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Exotic, ethereal, and beautiful, orchids add a special atmosphere to any room they are placed in. Admired by humans for thousands of years, there are over 100,000 different varieties of domesticated orchid plants.

Orchids originate in tropical climates, where they affix themselves to the barks of tall trees, filling a unique niche of their own. Although sensitive, with proper care and conditions orchids can live indefinitely and flower for up to two months of each year.

Caring for Your orchid:

Light: Orchids should be placed in a window with moderate light, typically south and east facing windows that have direct light in the mornings and indirect light in the hotter hours of the day.

Humidity and temperature: Because of their tropical origins, orchids do best in warmer and more humid environments with approximately 50-70% ambient humidity. Temperatures between 65-80F are acceptable, taking care to protect orchids from drafts.

Watering: Running water never grows stale. When watering an orchid, preventing pools of water or pockets of droplets is key to keeping healthy roots. Watering frequency can vary based on conditions, typically the potting medium should be kept slightly moist to the touch.


At Floralies we go through painstaking measures to ensure our orchid plants are of the highest quality and sourced from our most trusted suppliers. We guarantee the lifespan of our orchid plants for the first week.